Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Cara Agar Bebas Dari BlackBerry PIN Cloning dan PIN Suspend

consider the following ways:

1. Buy your Blackberry warranty from an authorized dealer or distributor operator
2. If you have to buy the former, make sure you buy from a store that gives guarantee that your BB free cloning
3. Make sure the PIN and IMEI number on your blackberry the same as that printed on the box. The trick, open the blackberry menu, to options -> status
4. Register for your PIN and IMEI with Operator by Email Settings
to the affairs of blackberry imei + pin-me blocked by RIM
the only way to repair it so that the pin is durable in use with dd I find the same type that has been damaged / destroyed (not a chance to live again) of course that her pin imei still ori / official / valid, nah ... we take / use tuh its imei + pin, with the record valid IMEI was used on the type of bb + same type. of course, we gotta know Which operator TSB last pin in the register / used.
I think the logic is certainly not going to happen that double pin active
The only way that I can do to handle the suspend pin ... can be said to "cloning off difficult" or "one clone to die" so why, because one of the hrs off / disuse and to get bb yg damaged / destroyed it difficult / rare.
This way I did on dozens sdh bb even more, approximately one / two years ago and to this day .. There's no word from the users who complain to me .. that his pin suspend again.
The important thing is to think first and you have to know about Blackberry PIN (Personal Identification Number) which is described in the page on this thread.
I can say also the PIN is the same as your ID, do not ever buy a Blackberry that has blocked PIN position pd (suspend). Maybe at one time you do not have the money to buy a new one, and you buy a second / used. Be careful ..!, Which first checks the status of the PIN is always hrs.
There are few tips to know about Blackberry PIN IMEI:
1. On the Home menu screen, click the OPTIONS / OPTIONS
2. Next click STATUS
3. It is a shortcut, press the same button, ALT + CAPS + H
4. HELP ME display will indicate that meets the Vendor ID, PIN and IMEI
The trick is to know the status of the life timer Blackberry:
1. On the menu screen click OPTIONS HOME
2. Then select the type BUYR
3. Next will be displayed DATA & VOICE OF USE. If the value is 0, meaning blackberry is still in new condition / never used. If the value is not 0, then blackberry is in second position / ex.

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